Jayson Stark over at ESPN.com wrote an excellent article on the on-again, off-again nature of Manny Ramirez this season and the dangerous precedent a $100M contract would set within MLB.
Here is a snippet:
Life sure is beautiful these days on Planet Manny. Uhhh, a little too beautiful.
Hey, we couldn’t be happier for those Los Angeles Dodgers, who are selling about 30,000 tickets a day now that they’ve moved their home games to Planet Manny. But we’d like to ask one little question of all those people in L.A. who are showering their man Manny Ramirez with so much love:
What the heck are you cheering for?
For a man who decided his personal net worth was more important than an entire franchise and all the people who played with him, covered for him, depended on him?
Sheez. How sad is that?
“It really bothers me,” one GM said this week of the Manny-mania lovefest that has unfolded in L.A. “What he did in Boston was criminal. Now he goes there, and everything’s OK? No, sir. It doesn’t change the fact that how he got there was criminal.”
Read the entire article HERE.