

dodgerfan.net was started by Chris, a lifelong Dodgers fan who loves to write and has an insatiable need to talk about the good, the bad and the unexpected with others who bleed Dodger Blue.

Chris’ brother Alex is our other regular contributor and a self-admitted “bandwagon” fan before becoming more engrossed during the 2008 season.  Alex also supplies the technical know-how to make this site happen (Alex also now bleeds Dodger Blue).

(left to right: Chris, Alex)

To contact the authors of this blog, simply email either chris [at] dodgerfan [dot] net or alex [at] dodgerfan [dot] net. Sorry for the cryptic writing, but we like to keep our inboxes free of offers to help African expatriates reclaim their lost fortunes or invitations to buy cut rate pharmaceuticals.