Is Manny Back to His Old Habits?
Watching the Phillies complete the series sweep against the Dodgers last night (nationally televised, no less) I did a double-take. Sure, I knew Manny Ramirez hadn’t delivered an RBI for the Dodgers in the previous six outings and that Dodger hitting was in a slump overall, but I really believed that they were all trying. And then…I saw a shot hit to the left field corner and Manny Ramirez jogging…yes JOGGING to go get it.
Not only have the Dodgers slid back into pre-Manny form, it appears that Manny has also slid back into pre-Dodgers form.
Even Torre commented on the phenomenon, calling Ramirez “tired”.
Now, all of the Dodgers woes can’t be placed at the feet of Manny Ramirez. Nor can Manny take credit for all of L.A.’s success since his arrival. However, Manny does seem to be a pretty reliable barometer of the team’s current and future performance. That barometer is currently pointing toward failure as the Dodgers approach a crucial series in Arizona against the first-place NL West D-backs.
Not all is lost, however. Basides the Diamondbacks, the Dodgers won’t play an above-.500 team. Perhaps the less-mediocre team will carry the day. The Dodgers are only 65-55 with 31 games left after all