SOSG Vote: There Can Be Only One
Fans of some of the great Dodger blogs will be very familiar with the humor, wit and sense of community that is fostered over at the Sons of Steve Garvey. So when I heard that one of the Sons was going to be laid off, I knew we needed to get involved. After all, I fell victim to a “corporate restructuring” in 2009, and I won’t let that happen to my blogging bretheren!
So far, Roberto over at Vin Scully is My Homeboy has cast his vote for Sax, and now we need to weigh in. But here’s the challenge: I consider myself friends with two of the Sons…Orel and Sax. Sax and I even know each other outside of the world of the Dodgers, and I’ve taken an oath to keep his identity a secret (which I have done). Orel, on the other hand, I know from a myriad of blogger events we’ve been to together over the past few years.
This is almost like picking between two of your kids (well, if I had kids, this is what I imagine it would be like). When we first launched our site, Orel and Sax from SOSG were the first to reach out to us and show their support, and for that, we’ve always been grateful.
But, as The Highlander says, “There can be only one.” And that one, is Orel. The guy is a constant at Dodger events at Chavez Ravine and his willingness to share his thoughts and experiences with other Dodger bloggers to grow the community as a whole is admirable. Plus, I challenge you to ever see the guy without a smile on his face…maybe it’s those photos of fellow Dodger fans that keep him so happy.
Good luck Orel (and Sax)…we’re pulling for you both, but if push comes to shove, we’re going with Orel!
I humbly accept your nomination. Now where did I put my bearskin parka?
I recommend keeping it with your Highlander sword.
You’re killing me, Larry! But I appreciate your fair assessment of both sides, and tip my hat to you and Orel. I’m just happy I didn’t get downsized.
Pedro, on the other hand, is pissed.