Dodgers Documentary (Bluetopia) Debuts
Last night was the premiere of Bluetopia, the documentary on the 2008 season of the Los Angeles Dodgers. After reading the reviews of the premier from Jon at Dodger Thoughts, Robert at The Trolley Dodger and Josh at Inside the Dodgers, I’m even more excited to see the film. The night sounds amazing, and you really couldn’t have asked for a better season to follow the team, with the 50th Anniversary, the LA Coliseum game, the arrival of Manny Ramirez, the sweep of the Cubs and the overall emergence of the team’s core of young players. The film follows the team from the POV of the fans which should give it a bit of a different feel. I’m personally most interested to see the behind the scenes footage as that’s the kind of access that fans just don’t get on everyday. I’m also curious to hear what Kemp, Kershaw, Ethier and the other attending players thought of the film.
This one sounds like a keeper for Dodger fans everywhere. I’m psyched to buy the DVD!