Dodger Fallout From the Mitchell Report
It will be interesting to see how the fallout from the Mitchell Report will affect things over at Chavez Ravine. While I see the Dodgers are touting the fact that no current players were named in the report, it was a pretty damming look back at some of the most popular Dodger players of the late 1990s and early 2000s. Bill Plaschke has a particularly interesting take on the situation in today’s LA Times. As Plaschke notes, it certainly showcases the tough situation Dodger management was in back then and may warrant revising history when it comes to some of the “dubious” personnel moves by Dan Evans and Paul DePodesta involving Paul Lo Duca, Kevin Brown and Eric “Game Over” Gagne. Interesting stuff.
And as a PR guy, I’m particularly interested to see how the Dodgers spin this to avoid having the situation cast a pall over their 50th Anniversary celebrations in 2008.