The Pasadena Star-News wrote a great piece the other day (“Color This Organist Dodger Blue”) on Dodger organist Nancy Hefley who just celebrated her 20th year with the team. I’ve had a chance to meet Nancy, and she is so genuinely sweet and always seems to have a smile on her face. I like to think of her as the “First Lady of the Dodgers” (no disrespect to Jamie McCourt, of course!).
It’s nice to see that Dodger fans didn’t let the previous ownership (Fox) follow the lead of other teams and use strictly digital music in the 1990′s. Nancy’s organ brings a nice retro touch to the stadium and it’s one of the little things that makes the ballpark experience special. Plus, with all the face time she gets on Diamond Vision, she’s got to be one of the most recognized faces in the organization.
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