Dodgers Roll the Dice on Non-Roster Pitchers


Probably one of my favorite Spring Training activities is watching the non-roster invitees try and have a magical breakthrough and make the major league team. While always a long-shot, it’s fascinating to see who is extended an invitation and how the competition progresses.

Ken Gurnick over at has a great look at state of the Dodgers’ the NRI pitching competition as Mattingly and Honeycutt look for a diamond in the rough to potentially round out the bullpen.  The 2013 roster includes Juan Abreu, Kelvin de la Cruz, Kevin Gregg, Mark Lowe, Gregory Infante, Matt Palmer and Peter Moylan. Gregg, Lowe and I guess Moylan have the most promise, but like all NRI guys, they’re looking for something of a reboot for their careers.  If I had to bet on one at this early stage, I’d go with Mark Lowe, as he probably has the most legitimate upside of this group.

Photo Credit: Jon SooHoo/©Los Angeles Dodgers,LLC 2013