With Opening Day just 62 hours away (and counting) I’ve been enjoying watching the anticipation across the Web build as fans of all teams get psyched for the first pitch of the season. The more I think about it, the more I think Opening Day should be a holiday. We are talking about the national pastime, right? Maybe I’ll work on that for next season.
In the meantime, I wanted to call attention to Dodgers season ticket holder, and fellow blogger, Alyssa Milano’s site, Touch ‘Em All, and her ode to Opening Day, which I particularly liked:
Spring has returned. The Earth is like a child that knows poems.
-Rainer Maria Rilke
Yes. Oh, yes. I love this time of year. The days are longer, the pollen is in the air and there are little buds of future flowers everywhere you look. For the past few years and every year at this time, we have a couple of ducks (I think they may be married but I don’t know for certain) that fly into my backyard daily and take a bath in my pool at around 4 p.m.
Spring has sprung! And with the promise of all these amazing gifts from nature, comes the reminder that Opening Day soon will be here.
Even the drama of the McCourts’ divorce can’t bring down my baseball spirits. Because even though I obviously want my team to do well, this is the one time of the year that it’s not about my team winning or losing. It’s about walking into my home stadium, after months of a cold winter, and relishing in the hope of a new season.
The buds will bloom. The gates will open.
The frogs will chirp. The bats will crack.
The birds will fly. The balls will soar.
And for this time, right now, before any loss or statistic is recorded, my team… is the best in the league.
And don’t think Alyssa doesn’t know her Dodgers. She recently spoke to ESPN about the upcoming season and makes it to about 40 games a season:
“There is no better place to be than in the ballpark in your town,” she said. “It’s a sensory experience.”
“I haven’t been thrilled about the starting rotation for years. You have to have good pitching to win a championship,” Milano said. “I haven’t told management my thoughts. But I blog about it and pray someone in the front office will be reading!”
And, of course, Alyssa’s passion for the Dodgers bleeds over into her *Touch* clothing line, designed for the ladies who love baseball in your life. An Easter gift, perhaps? At the very least, I’m sure you all will enjoy the pictures (check out the link to see more)! BTW, I’m not sure why she models so much Phillies gear on the site, but I’m willing to overlook this.
Photo Credit: Touch ‘em All
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